
Suzuki Tatsuro



1992born in Tokyo
2015graduated from Architect Dep. of Waseda univ.
2017graduated from Architect Dep. of Waseda graduate school(Salutatorian)
(Hasemi labolatory)
2017~2021Taisei Construction
(Site supervisor : 1 year, and Technology center : 4 years)
(Hasemi laboratory in Waseda univ.)
2021~Suzuki Construction
2022~Adjunct Reseacher of Waseda Univ.


First-class Architect



Yamada Kazuie Award of the Maeda engineering foundation(2022)
Encouragement Award of Arichitectural Institute of Japan(2021)
Master thesis Award of Arichitectural Institute of Japan(2017)
Young Excellent Presentation Award of Arichitectural Institute of Japan(2016,18)
Sanae Award of Waseda graduate school(2017)


I aim for succession of the techniques and the histories of carpentries fostered over 75 years long, and moreover blowing new wind in the building world.
First, we focus on acquisition of younger human resources and labor saving of construction methods to keep or expand the size of business.
Second, we expand renovation business with self-design and construction to effective use of building stocks and realization of low-carbonization.
The final is participation for researches and developments. I have worked as a researcher in Waseda university and technical center of Taisei corporation to contribute making safety world for disasters. From present position, I would like not to regret my personal effort. Also, as our company, we can help production of specimen, collaborative research, or solution of problems about fire safety.
I am still a young person, therefore I would like your guidance and encouragement.